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​No two people see things exactly the same...

figures representing people who are looking at an object and identify it differently

What We Do

Strategic communications

Public policy research, analysis, education and advocacy

Political and business positioning and engagement    

Crisis communication plans and reputation management

Legislative and regulatory communication strategies


That's why the most effective strategies are based on extensive and evaluative research. We determine what works — and what doesn't — so your story resonates with the right people. Then we tailor it for each targeted audience and every appropriate communications platform.  

We will tell you who’s out there, what they’re saying, who you need to monitor, and who you need to neutralize.

We’ll capture the information and answers you need, identify all the arguments and counterarguments, tell you who to talk to and how to deliver the appropriate message. 


By unearthing every relevant detail and targeting the right audience with the best message, we situate you in a position of strength so you can achieve even the most ambitious political, policy or business communication goals.

How We Do It

Articles, blogs, newsletters, opinion pieces, earned and paid media

Policy briefs, position papers, annual reports, white papers, data-driven messaging, opposition research

Website content, social media, digital advertising, content and campaigns, direct mail

Speeches, talking points, media training, press releases, fact sheets, poll analyses what's next?


Let's discuss your next "Every Word Matters" project.

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